4 Helpful Smoking Tips for First-Timers

If you’ve never smoked weed before and are trying it for the first time, congratulations. We think you’ll enjoy your experience. Whether you’ve done any research or not, you probably have some questions such as:
  • How stoned are you going to get?
  • What does it feel like?
  • What will happen after you inhale?
To be honest, no two people are alike and neither are their first smoking experiences. However, we can tell you that it affects everyone differently. Some get really high off a few hits while others feel little if any effects at all. Some may even start tripping or get the “munchies.” It just depends on your metabolism. We know that you might have apprehensions about getting it right, so here are 4 helpful tips to consider before lighting up:

Drink some water before you begin – since “cottonmouth” is a factor when smoking marijuana, it’s a good idea to have a bottle of water handy so you can keep your mouth moist and stay hydrated in the process. Just smoke a little your first time. There’s no sense jumping into the deep end if you haven’t been swimming there before.

Concentrates, edibles, or a plain joint? There are a lot of options available to first-timers such as blunts, bongs, joints, pipes, etc. Keep it simple and start off sharing a joint with someone the first time. Once you’ve gotten used to the effect and have smoked it this way for a while, you can try concentrates or edibles.

Music and weed is a natural combination – if you really want to enjoy your first time smoking, your favorite music will definitely compliment your mood once you’re high. This brings up another point. Smoking when you’re stressed isn’t advisable because there’s a good chance you won’t enjoy that first experience. The idea is to enjoy the high by relaxing and music can help you reach that plateau. Thus, if it is your first time, staying relaxed is essential to having a good time.

Last, but most importantly, NEVER smoke alone – it’s never a smart idea to try a mind-altering or psychoactive substance by yourself the first time you smoke. Since it’s you’re first time, you have no clue as to how it will affect you. So, make sure that you have someone with you that you know and trust. They can help you stay grounded if you feel overwhelmed or are having a bad experience. Once you’ve had enough experience smoking, you should be alright on your own.

For additional advice or to speak with a company representative about our many products, contact Tank Glass by clicking here or visit our website today.

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