
Can You carry CBD Products when flying?

Despite the fact that an ever-increasing number of states are legalizing or loosening cannabis laws, there is still considerable confusion about flying with this non-intoxicating compound. Obviously, common sense tells you to leave the edibles and joints at home, but why is this the case with CBD products? Research has shown us that CBD can help relieve the symptoms of numerous conditions including anxiety, depression, and pain. However, the FDA still views CBD as an illegal substance . . . to an extent. Legal Concerns with Airports and CBD Products The uncertainty that currently surrounds CBD or Cannabidiol has numerous consumers understandably confused. After all, you can find it in drug and health food stores; you can get it in your smoothie at some juice stores; you can even add it to your morning coffee if you want. Nevertheless, people are often detained for having CBD in their possession, whether they’re flying or not. Due to the lack of clarity regarding CBD, the Transportation Security Administration, or TSA as they are more commonly referred to, changed its stance about the substance and quietly lifted their ban on flying with it. It has now stated that people can travel with the products containing CBD as long as it contains less than 0.3% THC or as approved by FDA. As a result, passengers are now allowed to bring CBD oils, medications, and other CBD related products on board in their carry-on luggage without fear of reprisal. So why all the Confusion? There are certain factors that play a role here. First, the FDA approved Epidioex (a cannabis-based drug) for two epileptic conditions that typically affect younger children, namely Dravet’s Syndrome and Lenox-Gastaut Syndrome. Basically, the FDA was reserving their right to classify CBD as a medication under these circumstances.Second, when President Trump signed the 2018 Farm Bill, Scott Gottlieb, the former commissioner of the FDA stated that he was concerned that sellers of CBD products were touting its ability to cure, prevent, or treat diseases. Consequently, he wanted CBD to undergo the FDA’s drug approval process of human and animal use.In the meantime, CBD consumers have been unknowingly participating in a thriving market where the compound can easily be ordered online or purchased at drug and health food stores. Essentially, the FDA looks the other way in these cases. Is it any wonder then that consumers, law enforcement, and the TSA are so confused?If you’ve recently had any issues when flying and having CBD products with you, please share your experience with Tank Glass by calling us at (323) 364-7952 or e-mailing us at support@tankglass.com today. And if you are looking for beakers and glass bongs for enhanced smoking experience, browse our website today.

Can You quit Smoking Tobacco by using CBD?

If you’ve tried more than once to give up smoking tobacco, then you’re probably familiar with nicotine withdrawal. Interestingly enough, recent research has shown that CBD can help you break the habit. Because of the highly addictive nature of nicotine (it’s one of the world’s most addictive substances), it can be extremely difficult to quit smoking cigarettes. In fact, according to NIDA (the National Institute on Drug Abuse), only 6 out of every 100 cigarette smokers are able to stop smoking them in any given year.To combat addition to tobacco, pharmaceutical companies have a plethora of smoking cessation devices, nicotine patches and gum while e-cigarettes were considered the healthier alternative. However, all of the cessation methods still left people with the nicotine addiction that leads to withdrawal symptoms. Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal Nicotine withdrawal symptoms are typically the strongest during that first week after you quit smoking. Consequently, this is also when relapse is the most likely to occur. You can expect to experience the following nicotine withdrawal symptoms when you quit: anxiety chills fatigue headaches heightened stress increased stress intense cravings irritability mood swings sleep disturbances sweating Although there are e-cigarettes and numerous nicotine-based products that will help you reduce your cravings, recent research has shown that CBD is not only useful in helping a person quit smoking, it’s a very powerful tool as well. What the Research told Us The University College of London conducted 2 interesting studies on the topic of using CBD to quit smoking. The first study involved 24 smokers, 12 of which used a CBD inhaler while the other 12 used a placebo inhaler whenever they had nicotine cravings. The research showed that the subjects who used the CBD inhaler decreased their tobacco consumption by 40% while the ones using the placebo experienced no significant change in their smoking habits.The second study occurred 5 years later in 2018 and was a double-blind, randomized study involving 30 participants. Some were given 800mg of CBD in oral form while others were given a matched placebo. They were then shown pictures of tobacco and checked for cravings and signs of withdrawal. Furthermore, their blood pressure and heart rate were also checked. What they found was that the 800mg dose of CBD helped to reduce the positive responses to the pictures while the ones who used the placebo experienced no change.In closing, most nicotine smokers have specific triggers such as having a cigarette with their morning cup of coffee or sneaking out from work when they felt anxiety or stress on the job. Over time, specific feelings, habits, or images often become associated with the release of nicotine into the system that smoking cigarettes provides.

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